Nuncas Marine
"L’idea della linea nasce dalla mia passione per le barche a vela che coltivo fin dall’infanzia, per questo abbiamo deciso di prenderci cura delle imbarcazioni rispettando al contempo l’ambiente marino e siamo orgogliosi di offrire soluzioni avanzate che incarnano questa visione."
Ing. Luca Manzoni - CEO Nuncas Marine

Biodegradable in Sea water
Crucial to protect marine life and maintain the ocean's delicate ecosystem.

Teak Maintenance
A complete line of products to ensure durability, beauty, and long-term protection for your teak.

GelCoat Maintenance
Each formula is crafted to enhance gelcoat appearance and performance, extending its life and keeping it in top shape.

Everyday Cleaning on board
A complete range of fully biodegradable and high-performance products designed to deliver excellent results in no time.

Comfort on Board
To fully enjoy every moment on your boat, a range of products with breezy fragrances for personal care, clothing, air freshening.

Marine Teak Collection
Introducing our expertly crafted line of teak maintenance products, designed to provide...
Marine Rib and Gelcoat Cleaning and Maintenance
The Nuncas Marine Rib and Gelcoat Cleaning and Maintenance collection, a range...
Marine Everyday Cleaning Collection
Marine Everyday Cleaning Collection, a complete range of fully biodegradable and high-performance products...
Comfort on Board Collection
The Comfort on Board Collection, a range of products to fully enjoy...
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